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Sandwiches & Wraps

Sandwiches Deluxe CHF 16.00 (la portion)


Variété de pain: wraps pain cereal, pain artisinal


La Veggie: aubergines rôties, carottes, poivrons, courgettes, oignons, tomates, basilic, origan, menthe, romarin


Italien: Jambon de Parma, tomate, basilic, mozzarella, huile d'olive, vinaigre balsamique.


Poulet: poulet grillé mariné, avocat, roquette, citron


Saumon fumé: saumon fumé, fromage à la crème, concombre, salade frisée, menthe, citron.


Salade de thon: thon, carotte, céleri, concombre, oeuf à la coque, huile d'olive, mayonnaise légère, persil.


Wraps & pain pita: CHF 16.00 (la portion)


Boeuf wraps:Boeuf teriyaki, roasted peppers


Wrap au poulet: tortilla, poulet, avocat, chou râpé, carottes râpées, l'huile d'olive et citron.


+ 2.5% TVA

Deluxe Sandwiches CHF 16.00 (per portion)


Variety of bread: wraps, cereal bread, artisanal bread

The Veggie: roasted eggplant, carrots, peppers, zucchini, onions, tomato, basil, oregano, mint, rosemary

Italian: Prosciutto di Parma, tomato, basil, mozzarella, olive oil, balsamico .

Chicken: marinated grilled chicken, avocado, arugula, lemon

Smoked salmon: smoked salmon, cream cheese, cucumber, curly salad, mint ,lemon.

Tuna salad: tuna, carrot, celery, cucumber, boiled egg, olive oil , light mayo, parsley.


Wraps & pita bread CHF 16.00 (per portion)


Beef wraps: Teriyaki beef, roasted peppers

Chicken wrap: tortilla, chicken, avocado, shredded cabbage, shredded carrots, olive oil and lemon.


+ 2.5% VAT

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